At the close of 2016 and to mark International Migrant’s Day (18 Dec), IFRC’s Secretary General, Elhadj As Sy, delivered a special message to children, asking them to put aside negative perceptions about people who migrate and instead, welcome them into their communities and treat them with kindness and understanding. Here’s his message:
“International Migrants Day is an important day to think about all the people in the world who have had to leave their homes, including people who left because of wars or disasters, because they no longer had food or water, or because they wanted a better life for their families. Many of them even took dangerous journeys across oceans and deserts to find safety.”
At the close of 2016 and to mark International Migrant’s Day (18 Dec), IFRC’s Secretary General, Elhadj As Sy, delivered a special message to children, asking them to put aside negative perceptions about people who migrate and instead, welcome them into their communities and treat them with kindness and understanding. Here’s his message:
“International Migrants Day is an important day to think about all the people in the world who have had to leave their homes, including people who left because of wars or disasters, because they no longer had food or water, or because they wanted a better life for their families. Many of them even took dangerous journeys across oceans and deserts to find safety.”
At the close of 2016 and to mark International Migrant’s Day (18 Dec), IFRC’s Secretary General, Elhadj As Sy, delivered a special message to children, asking them to put aside negative perceptions about people who migrate and instead, welcome them into their communities and treat them with kindness and understanding. Here’s his message:
“International Migrants Day is an important day to think about all the people in the world who have had to leave their homes, including people who left because of wars or disasters, because they no longer had food or water, or because they wanted a better life for their families. Many of them even took dangerous journeys across oceans and deserts to find safety.”
At the close of 2016 and to mark International Migrant’s Day (18 Dec), IFRC’s Secretary General, Elhadj As Sy, delivered a special message to children, asking them to put aside negative perceptions about people who migrate and instead, welcome them into their communities and treat them with kindness and understanding. Here’s his message:
“International Migrants Day is an important day to think about all the people in the world who have had to leave their homes, including people who left because of wars or disasters, because they no longer had food or water, or because they wanted a better life for their families. Many of them even took dangerous journeys across oceans and deserts to find safety.”
Proin in nisi pretium, ultricies massa non, sollicitudin urna. Phasellus rutrum luctus sollicitudin. Curabitur id quam neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer lobortis libero a sapien tempor, a convallis urna pellentesque. Aenean nec nulla eu ligula posuere vestibulum a sed libero.
Aenean hendrerit eros id mauris faucibus accumsan. Vestibulum ut risus fermentum, pharetra erat quis, pretium tortor. Quisque a elit eu felis sagittis sollicitudin. Donec ornare finibus risus, in laoreet lorem dictum sit amet. Morbi in ex et sem congue tempor eget sed nisl. Sed in gravida neque. Duis a ligula eu nisl cursus luctus. Morbi convallis mattis tellus, ut pretium nunc interdum sed. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut at sollicitudin justo.
Integer consequat maximus magna, vel imperdiet nulla aliquet non. Duis tempus, ante ac interdum porttitor, est diam finibus metus, id venenatis mauris tellus quis libero. In vitae lobortis nisi, ac dictum arcu. Nulla porttitor enim in nisi ullamcorper dictum. Pellentesque non diam mollis, gravida odio eu, interdum velit. Maecenas quis magna at purus imperdiet convallis at at lacus. Donec consectetur tellus non vehicula facilisis. Vivamus ac nisi sit amet felis cursus fringilla. Duis a elit dolor. Fusce vitae consectetur nulla, a pellentesque nisi. In scelerisque sollicitudin libero eu auctor. In viverra, ligula non blandit laoreet, dui est dapibus mi, sed iaculis neque lectus vehicula nisl. Sed eu ultricies nisl.
Integer consequat maximus magna, vel imperdiet nulla aliquet non. Duis tempus, ante ac interdum porttitor, est diam finibus metus, id venenatis mauris tellus quis libero. In vitae lobortis nisi, ac dictum arcu. Nulla porttitor enim in nisi ullamcorper dictum. Pellentesque non diam mollis, gravida odio eu, interdum velit. Maecenas quis magna at purus imperdiet convallis at at lacus. Donec consectetur tellus non vehicula facilisis. Vivamus ac nisi sit amet felis cursus fringilla. Duis a elit dolor. Fusce vitae consectetur nulla, a pellentesque nisi. In scelerisque sollicitudin libero eu auctor. In viverra, ligula non blandit laoreet, dui est dapibus mi, sed iaculis neque lectus vehicula nisl. Sed eu ultricies nisl.